Frugal Living Info

Frugal Gift Baskets

Holidays and birthdays come around whether you are living a frugally or not. You don’t have to break your […]

Frugal Living FAQs

The Frugal Homeowner

You don’t have to spend a fortune to insure the safety of your family and home. I have listed […]

Saving Money on Car Gas

With the cost of gas today, we are all looking for ways to save money. Below are several tips […]

Being Frugal and Happy

Frugality and happiness aren’t something society usually puts together. Frugality often brings up images of great sacrifice. We think […]


Frugal Living Tips

Save on Communication and Electricity

With only a few barely noticeable changes in how you communicate electronically-by phone and internet-and how you deal with electricity, let’s face it we all have to deal with electricity, will start to show a savings in as little as a month. Below I have listed several things in both areas that will start you on your way to saving. Cell Phones, Internet, and Communication Utilities Avoid pre-paid cell phones, even if you just want the phone for emergencies, unless you are careful to use a plan […]

Perfect Family Vacations

What makes a perfect family vacation? That depends on your family; what they like to do, where they like to go, the ages of your children, even your parenting style. But most families will agree that a perfect vacation needs to be relaxing and fun with something for everyone. There is a seemingly endless list of resorts in the United States that fit that description. But for many parents, there is one more essential aspect of the perfect family vacation. It needs to be affordable. One of […]

Frugal Living

Is Being Frugal Worth It? Frugality is simply the practice of looking for the less expensive alternatives. Frugality doesn’t have to mean being a scrooge or living without comfort. Is it really worth the time and effort you put into things like homemade cleaners and clipping coupons? Search the Sunday paper for coupons and clip them out. Make a list of things on sale that you can stock up on in order to get your average cost down. Plan and run a route of four stores in […]

Have Fun Frugally

You don’t need to cut out entertainment completely in order to live a frugal life. Below, I have listed some very inexpensive ways to save money and still have fun. If you live in a city, just try walking around. In New York, I have found impromptu concerts by street musicians or just sat in the park and people watched. You’d be amazed how much fun you can have! Instead of eating out or going to bars with friends, host a potluck at home or just have […]