Perfect Family Vacations

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What makes a perfect family vacation? That depends on your family; what they like to do, where they like to go, the ages of your children, even your parenting style. But most families will agree that a perfect vacation needs to be relaxing and fun with something for everyone. There is a seemingly endless list of resorts in the United States that fit that description. But for many parents, there is one more essential aspect of the perfect family vacation. It needs to be affordable.

One of the most fun and inexpensive vacations is camping. Yes, you could spend a fortune on supplies, but why not plan a survival camping trip? You can find nearly free campsites at most National parks. Fish for your meals or collect berries and other plants.

If you want to really make this an experience, do some research and have everyone pitch in to create your own shelter, make fishing poles and other cooking items. Study books on what plants are edible and go on treks to find them.

Another idea is to study pioneers or Native Americans and make this an experience of trying to spend a few days as they did. Vacations can be both fun and educational. You could also take day trips to tour historical landmarks. You can peruse brochures and set up your own family tour, rather than joining an organized one. Pack a lunch and picnic on the field where the Battle of Gettysburg was fought or on the banks of the Delaware River.

Once you start looking, you will start to get ideas from every direction. Packed lunches and the cost of gas and you can have a day that will live in your memory and the memories of your kids for years to come. Where will you spend your next vacation?

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